High Performance E-Commerce Sites for Brands
A professional amplifies the basics to the tiniest of detail, an amateur distracts by chasing the next big thing.
We believe in amplifying the basics. Taking the things that work, and work well, and pushing them to the next level of refinement and understanding.
There is no lack of flashy sites that are completely unusable. And there is no lack of sites stuffed with interactive elements that have you whizzing around wondering where you need to click to get to where you want to go.
We've all had those experiences. And while they give off an appeal of 'eye-candy' at first, they quickly turn into a headache as you wait for things to load, elements break, and your life momentarily turns into a treasure hunt of you trying to figure out actions that should come naturally.
Unfortunately, too many e-commerce brands fall into the same trap of needing to 'stand out'. Except, the idea of standing out versus the final outcome often results in the concept of a Ferrari with fine Nappa Leather interior, with the execution of a straight-piped 1998 Honda Civic roaring past your house at 3 AM.
Yeah, sure it's loud—but it's lacking just about everything else.
Your customers need to enjoy their experience when shopping on your site. A top-grade e-commerce site needs to mix the perfect amount of stimulus to keep engagement high, with the right amount of natural motion so that they can glide through their experience with intuition.
Great design and high performance just feels better.
The best brands in the world stand the test of time, and I believe your e-commerce site, your main conversion point, should showcase that.
But enough woo-woo talk about great design and high performance, what is any of this actually composed of, and what does it mean for you?